Christina Martin to Bring Album Storm to Life with Immersive Concert Experience

On September 6, 2024, Christina Martin will take the stage at Alderney Landing Theatre to premiere her eighth studio album, Storm. More than just an album release, the evening promises to be an immersive experience featuring stunning visual projections, a full band, a string quartet, and a live Q&A hosted by Mike and Kristen The Podcast. As Christina prepares for this special event, we caught up with her to chat about what fans can expect from the show.

What can you tell us about the album Storm ? what does the album mean to you?

It's interesting because the title track was inspired over 20 years ago when we had a beautiful hurricane here, a beautiful storm called Hurricane Juan. But I didn't finish writing the song until 20-some years later during the pandemic. The album, for me, represents growing up, coming into oneself, finding yourself and finding a sense of peace and this ongoing journey of healing and forgiveness. Music has been an incredible part of my journey with healing. I probably use the word ‘journey’ way too much, but I don't know how to describe it because life is a journey, and my journey is not over. This album is a big moment for me musically and as a person. I feel a very big sense of gratitude and appreciation for how far I've come. I've worked really hard to have a healthy life and relationships, do what I love, and fight for all that. So this is almost like an expression of fighting for what you believe in and then being able to celebrate it. That's what September 6th is for me. It's a celebration of my own hard work and growth. A celebration of friendship and love and all the all the people and mentors that helped me get to this point where I'm like, ‘Hey, I've got a good life.’ I didn't do it alone, and I get to celebrate with people I love.

The show isn’t your average album release - it’s more of an experience. Can you tell us what you have planned?

I think it's an experience for sure. I wanted to play the whole album from start to finish. I've never had a string quartet, and we've never developed the charts for that. I've never worked so hard for one performance; hopefully, we'll be able to replicate the performance again and again afterwards. I wanted the event to be something special. I always do, particularly for my album release shows in Atlantic Canada. I invited my good friends, Mike and Kristen The Podcast, to emcee the event and host a live audience Q&A so that we can engage with the audience. That's a really fun thing to do at an event. I enjoy that it's not just about me; there will be some kind of connection happening, and it’s a chance to get to know everybody. We're also filming this. We're going to get some great live footage and we’re hopefully going to get a live album out of this. I think it's really exciting to be a part of that as an audience member and to know you’re helping an artist create this great thing that will live on. It will be a great memory we'll all create.

What can you tell us about the visual component of the show?

I will say that the visuals and imagery for this album were such a big collaborative component. It took years of working with my dear friend Nicole Aline Legault to develop the concepts and see it through to the end. From the beginning, I dreamed of having the visuals projected in the show and this curated, beautiful, holistic, full-circle moment. I'm a big fan of visuals and music and combining the media. I've never been able to achieve that in my career as an entertainer. Working with classically trained artists is a stepping stone for me. Other people do it all the time, but this is my first time doing it, and it's really exciting. I feel like I'm more open to collaborations, and it's just nice not to feel so closed off in my music and songwriting. I can now say, ‘Let's get together and work on this concept,’ and I'm open to working with more people to see something beautiful come together. It does take a village. I know that's cliche, but. Tickets are available on the Alderney Landing website and my website, In this day and age, it's really critical to buy tickets in advance if you can. It gives everyone an idea of how many people to expect, especially when you’re filming something. You want to pack the place, right? And it's a very expensive endeavour - you have to pay all the musicians for the rehearsals, the crew, the venue. It really makes a difference to buy a ticket. It's going to be a great experience. The show runs from 8 to 10 p.m., it's a wheelchair-accessible venue, support animals are welcome, support persons are welcome - all you need to do is contact the venue for more information.

Don't miss the chance to be part of Christina Martin's transformative evening at Alderney Landing Theatre on September 6. Get your tickets now to experience Storm live, and join in the celebration of music, growth, and connection. For more details and to stay updated on Christina's work, visit and follow her on Instagram and Facebook.


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